Anelisa Ndamase 1 day ago4 minFIELDWORKChanging Customs: New Burial Rites After CovidThis blog highlights how changes in burials in rural communities of the Eastern Cape have become accepted and encouraged.
Anelitha Tukela5 days ago4 minWOMEN'S HEALTHExploring the Impact of the Women RISE Community Engagement on Mental Health and Well-being in Tuba Village, KwelerhaThis blog documents the impact of a community engagement on mental health and well-being in Tuba Village in Kwelerha.
Bonelwa Nogqaza 6 days ago5 minFIELDWORKHome Gardening and Seedlings: Agency and Sustainability in Rural Areas of the Eastern CapeThis blog tracks the progress of the seedlings initiative that the Women RISE project